ITS core system is an indispensable tool for the road network operator as it can guarantee an “intelligent” management of the road infrastructure and the traffic flow. Our technology partner has designed and implemented its own platform, called the Road Management Tool, which provides to the operator all the support functions required to perform its activities. The RMT solution is, therefore, the result of a systematic experience in the motor way sector that offers and adapts to the market
Finally, the Decision Support System –DSS module is part of the same platform, thanks to which the system supports and directs the operator in the management of events and emergencies depending on the regulations, the best practices and operating procedures that are characteristic for each individual client.
In recent years, the trend of digitization of the road infrastructure and the development of services that aim at a “dialogue” between vehicles – V2V and between vehicles and Infrastructure – V2I sees the resources of our partner profoundly involved in its Research and development activities.